Awareness Training: Bring Your Attention Back to Your Body

Awareness Training: Bring Your Attention Back to Your Body

“Yeah, when you call my name, I salivate like Pavlov’s Dogs.” -- The Rolling Stones 

A huge amount of the thoughts in our heads are there because of conditioned thinking. You remember Pavlov’s Dogs from school, right?  Ring the bell and salivate. Conditioned thinking is an automatic response. Event X happens and you respond with Reaction Y, just like you learned to do in the past.

What is this means is that we are not in control of our thoughts. Our thoughts control us. This conditioning started when we were very small children. A baby is hungry, she cries and she gets fed.  She gets hungry again, she cries and she gets fed again. We learn that one pretty fast.

To take back control of our thinking, we need tools to help us break the slavery to our trance-like conditioning.

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Great Moments in Life: Kids on the Bus

Great Moments in Life: Kids on the Bus

On the morning bus recently here in Kyoto, I sat down next to a bunch of elementary school boys. They all look at me suspiciously, and then start saying to each other "You go talk to him in English!" 

After it was determined that one of the boys could speak English better than the others, the one boy looks at me and says "hello!"

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Put Your Camera (or Phone) Down and Experience Life

Put Your Camera (or Phone) Down and Experience Life

The next time you pull that camera or phone out of your pocket to take a picture or video. Don’t. Put it back.

Instead just look at what you wanted to take a picture of. Experience it. Listen to what is going on. Smell it. Feel it. Be in the present.  Life is now. It is not later when you are looking at your photos on Facebook.

When you breathe your last breath and your life is flashing in front of your eyes, will you be thinking about the pictures that you took, or of the experiences you had and the people you loved?

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Are You Giving, Taking or Losing Energy?

Are You Giving, Taking or Losing Energy?


Understanding your energy, the energy of others and how we all struggle for more of this energy is a powerful way to understand how you act, and how you interact with others.

Every interaction you have with another person is an energy exchange. During these interactions you, and the other person, are either giving, taking or losing energy.

In today's post,  I will talk about these energy exchanges between people and how you can identify them.

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